Prof. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Sekisov

He is a Professor, department of Construction Production, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, department of Technology, Organization of Construction Economics and Real Estate Management, Institute of Construction and Transport Infrastructure, Kuban State Technological University, Russia. He is a full member of the Russian Engineering Academy, corresponding member of the International Academy of Engineering, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, corresponding member of the International Academy of Management, member of the All-Russian Organization of Inventors and Innovators, and member of the Guild of Marketers. He is a Doctorate in Economic Sciences (USA WES), British Doctor of Philosophy (UK Naric), and obtained PhD in Economics (RU HAC). He is an author of more than 270 scientific papers, including 14 monographs, and more than 35 patents. He is included in the TOP 100 most cited authors in Russia in the field of Economics; Economic sciences (Percentile on the RSCI core - 1). His area of expertise: 1. Economics and management at the enterprise (economic direction), 2. Technology and organization in construction and building materials industry (technical direction),  and 3. Technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture (technical direction). Profile Link:; Profile RSCI  ; Profile Web of Science ; Profile Scopus ; and Profile ORCID