Collective Study on Housing Management Practices of Kenguri Sheep Farmers under Intensive and Extensive Rearing Systems in Yadgir District of Karnataka, India

Kanakaraja M. G. *

Department of Livestock Production and Management, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Hebbal, Bengaluru- 560024, India.

Sagar M.

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary College, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University (KVAFSU), Hebbal, Bengaluru- 560024, India.

Chitra Juniwal

Division of Livestock Economics and IT, IVRI-ICAR, Izatnagar, Bareilly- 243122, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Syeda Nelofer Afnan

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary College Bidar, KVAFSU Bidar- 585401, India.

E. N. Reddy

Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science Tirupati, SVVU Tirupati- 515701, India.


Department of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Veterinary College Bidar, KVAFSU Bidar- 585401, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The main domains of housing management practices followed by Kenguri sheep farmers were analyzed during the research. Twenty sheep farms in intensive and extensive were pointed out based on the accessibility in the respective study location Yadgir (Northern Eastern dry agro-climatic zone) district of Karnataka, India. The examination was carried out during the months of January to February in the year 2022. The objectives of housing practices were assessed by computing frequency percentage values and average descriptive values. The majority of intensive sheep farmers had wooden type of flooring (60.00%) and whereas, mud flooring (100.00%) is the only option for extensive sheep farmers. All intensive sheep farms had galvanized roofing (100.00%), in contrast all extensive sheep farms were with no roofing. Sheep in intensive rearing had trough water sources (45.00%) majorly and in extensive rearing they had natural water source (70.00%) accessibility. Most of the intensive sheep farmers maintained proper commercial feed (60.00%) access for the sheep, but fodder (65.00%) was the key food type for sheep reared under an extensive system. The advantage of fans for better ventilation (40.00%) was seen in intensive rearing systems, whereas, only natural ventilation (100.00%) was observed in extensive rearing system. The good space availability and pen dimensions are the only concerns with an intensive rearing system. The outcomes of this work will help the sheep farmers become accustomed to the better housing management practices in the near times.

Keywords: Housing management practices, Kenguri sheep, flooring, roofing, ventilation, space availability

How to Cite

Kanakaraja M. G., Sagar M., Chitra Juniwal, Syeda Nelofer Afnan, E. N. Reddy, and Kartik. 2024. “Collective Study on Housing Management Practices of Kenguri Sheep Farmers under Intensive and Extensive Rearing Systems in Yadgir District of Karnataka, India”. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 30 (5):9-15.