Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Fruit Growers of Karnataka

Anil Sidaray Chikkalaki *

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India.

B. Krishnamurthy

Department of Agricultural Extension, UAS, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Bharat Singh Ghanghas

Department of Agricultural Extension Education, CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The study was conducted following ex-post facto research design during 2020 to analyse the entrepreneurial behaviour of fruit growers of Karnataka. Forty each grape, lime and pomegranate growers were selected from Vijayapura district by use of simple random sampling technique. Thus, making the sample size of 120. The findings revealed more than two fifth (42.50%) of grape growers, two fifth (40.00%) of lime growers and 37.50 per cent of pomegranate growers belonged to medium level of entrepreneurial behaviour. With respect to overall entrepreneurial behaviour, more than one third (37.50%) of the respondents had medium level of entrepreneurial behaviour followed by high (33.33%) and low (29.17%) levels. Considering the dimension wise entrepreneurial behaviour of fruit crop growers, significant percentage of them belonged to medium category of innovativeness (38.33%), decision making ability (41.67%), achievement motivation (38.33%), knowledge on farming enterprise (41.67%), risk orientation (40.83%), information seeking behaviour (34.17%), ability to coordinate farm activities (44.17%), economic motivation (38.33%), leadership ability (38.33%), scientific orientation (36.67%) and management orientation (45.00%). The study also revealed that there was a significant difference in the mean entrepreneurial behaviour among grape, lime and pomegranate growers. Regression analysis was carried out to see the effect on independent variables on entrepreneurial behaviour.

Keywords: Entrepreneurial behaviour, fruits, grape, lime, pomegranate

How to Cite

Chikkalaki, Anil Sidaray, B. Krishnamurthy, and Bharat Singh Ghanghas. 2024. “Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Fruit Growers of Karnataka”. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports 30 (7):9-16. https://doi.org/10.9734/jsrr/2024/v30i72118.