2016 - Volume 10 [Issue 5]

Short Research Article

Service Quality and Customers’ Willingness to Pay for Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance Services

Collins Kankam-Kwarteng, Stephen Acheampong, Frank Amoateng

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/24918

Page: 1-11

Original Research Article

Inhibin B Levels in Relation to Obesity Measures and Lipids in Males with Different Numbers of Metabolic Syndrome Components

D. O. Laniyan, M. A. Charles-Davies, A. A. Fasanmade, J. A. Olaniyi, O. E. Oyewole, M. O. Owolabi, J. R. Adebusuyi, O. Hassan, B. M. Ajobo, M. O. Ebesunun, K. Adigun, K. S. Akinlade, S. U. Okoli, O. G. Arinola, E. O. Agbedana

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/24641

Page: 1-12

Assessment of Postharvest Practices of Groundnuts in Northern Ghana Based on the Participatory Rural Appraisal Technique

D. Oppong-Sekyere, R. Akromah, E. Y. Nyamah, A. D. Ninfaa, M. M. Braimah, M. M. Akpalu, A. R. S. Salifu

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/22384

Page: 1-17

Impact of Stone Quarrying on the Environment and the Livelihood of Communities in Mandera County, Kenya

Felix Lamech Mogambi Ming’ate, Mohamed Yussuf Mohamed

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/24945

Page: 1-9

Fertility Behaviour in a Rural Nigerian Community: Determinants and Implications

Itimitang Wilson Etukudo, Ben Victor Effiong

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/13232

Page: 1-12

To Assess the Fear & Anxiety among Patients Attending the OPD of a Dental College in Bangalore City

N. Vanishree, Swati Patnaik, N. Naveen, Deepa Bullapa, P. Guru Suhas, C. Bharath

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/22209

Page: 1-7

Design of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Harvester

O. E. Omofunmi, S. A. Ebifemi, A. B. Eweina

DOI: 10.9734/JSRR/2016/24858

Page: 1-10

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